Sunday, January 23, 2011

Too Bad...

"Insistó en que no lo merece" dijo ella en voz baja indignada por su actitud, mientras una lágrima de rabia y orgullo se deslizaba por su mejilla derecha.

"¿Decías algo?" respondió él tan poco atento como siempre y ni siquiera notó esa viva muestra de malestar. Una llamada lo hizo levantarse e ir a la sala próxima.

"¿Por qué diablos mi novio se va a otra habitación para hablar?" dijo eso embriagada por el mal sabor que deja el saberse no amada por quien amas. 

"¿Sí? Hola, te pedí que no llamarás a está hora. Estoy ocupado, sí, tengo mucho trabajo, adiós." Lo decía tan bajo que pensó tontamente que ella no escucharía. Ella...que tenía su voz tan grabada como la suya , ella que leía sus labios con extrema facilidad, ella que entendía sus posiciones, ella que lo amaba desmedidamente.

"Y vuelve a mí, el farsante más grande de mi historia."  Se dijo a si misma mientras se limpiaba el rostro de esa agua salada. 

"Mi amor, demos un paseo, quiero que nos besemos hasta extasiarnos, quiero bailar contigo, quiero tomarte de la mano y que todos vean que eres sólo mía. Quiero que la eternidad se exponga a través de un abrazo nuestro." Lo dijo cual poeta enamorado, tan basta era su mentira y tan propio el engaño, que sus palabras sonaban sinceras.

"Vamos." Fue lo único que ella logró articular mientras corría a su lado, tomaba su mano y le decía al oído "Te Amo, Imbécil."

Y él se rió, porque pensó que era una típica broma suya. Pero no, esta vez no era una broma, en serio lo amaba y en serio era un Imbécil.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Don't Walk Away.

- I'll wait here. I'm pretty sure she'll find the way to me. She said and fell asleep in the grass with her teddy bear.

She was lost. She has been looking for her mom all the single day, but she wasn't nowhere, so she went to the that side with water in the forest but she didn't appear. Maybe "The Heaven" was really far away, her daddy told her that place was in the sky so she walked to the river. Mom always told her: "Look Little Annie, isn't the sky beautiful when you look it in the river?" Yes. It was beautiful, but not so much as her mom she thought and smiled.

But when she came to the river, she didn't find her mom. She called her, she even cry so mom will come, hug her and tell her everything is okay, but she didn't come. So she stay there, waiting, for mom to hold her

After hours and hours looking for her, he found her. His lovely and sweet daughter, she was sleeping, just like an angel, so pretty as her mother. He hold her and kissed her. Let's go home baby.
And she said slowly: -"Don't Walk Away Mommy, Let's Live Happy With Daddy" while she sleeps. She was dreaming about her mom, but her daddy was holding her. He knews how much she misses mom, but he didn't know what to say, so he just did what he has learned to do since she was born. Love Her.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Pretty Young Thing (YOU)

I Want To Love You (P.Y.T.)
 Pretty Young Thing
 You Need Some Lovin' (T.L.C.) 
 Tender Lovin' Care 

Even If The Sky Is Falling Down.~

So baby don’t worry, you are my only,
 You won’t be lonely, even if the sky is falling down,
 You’ll be my only, no need to worry.