Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The days without you.

I find love pathetic. Extremely pathetic.
The way you can't live without that person
How you need insanely that person
And you feel you disappear without him
How you love the same way you breathe
Like if the “one soul two bodies” really exists!
Maybe I hate love! So dependent!
Yes, it's also shinning and colorful
It may have rainbows and flying hearts;
But it's so painful... so dark somehow.
And I am so pathetic, so depending...

How can people fall out of love?
I mean, falling in love just happens
But falling out of love?
Does that just happens as well?
How many days does it last?
Loving sounds like a disease
Like a virus that sicken all your being
So but so powerful that reachs your soul
Am I losing my mind?
Or did love take it away from me?
At this point of my life I doubt everything.

But is it just me or everybody?
I mean, is all this normal?
How can I see his face the way I see the sky?
How can I listen his voice like the best melody?
How can I read his words like poems?
How can I think of him like a charming prince?
Is it just me having this love that eats me?
Or is it everyone in love going through the same?
I've forgotten what life without him is...
And I live without living, no meaning here
I think I haven't just lost him... I lost me as well.

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